Sunday, 23 October 2011

{Surf} ISA Surfing Championship in El Salvador

Despite all the natural disasters that El Salvador had last week: flooding and landslides (I posted about it here). This country never stops proving itself that will heal from all natural disasters and put a positive attitude, moving forward.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

{Video} El Salvador Impressive

Although El Salvador 's passing by a difficult weather situation along Central America, this small country has brave people who're working hard to get ahead of the disaster after their historical heavy rain/landscapes they had last week (see my post here).

To support this country, for 2012 you might consider having an amazing experience and adventure in El Salvador, taking one of the great routes/circuits such:  Flowers route, archaeological route, craft route, sun and beach route, route of thousand peacks, peace route or the volcano complex... it could be an option for your next vacation, right?

See this amazing and interesting video about what El Salvador has to offer!

El Salvador is impressive, right?

Thursday, 20 October 2011

{Climate Change} Heavy Rain and flooding in El Salvador

Weeks ago I showed some air views for this amazing country: El Salvador (here)... now, this aereal pictures had drastically changed since one week ago: Central America`s having the heaviest rain in years, and El Salvador, records rain and flooding in the wholehistory: in 10 days it had 1,500mm of heavy rain (experts says like two years of rain in London) = up to moment: 32 deads (80 in Central America) and thousands of refugees.

It is so sad, but we need to stop this...too late? it might be, however if we don`t change our consumer behaviors and make smart choices, in years this images might be even worse.


Are we doing something for the climate change?... I don`t think we`re doing enough... We should begin stopping irrational consumption.

So sad :(

Thursday, 13 October 2011

{Showtime} Pan Am - Ich Bin Ein Berliner

Last week on Pan Am, the story was developed in Germany, where Maggie (Christina Ricci), intents to meet the President Kennedy when the crew was flying to Berlin (see the video here).

I was expecting more views about Berlin, but ... nope...not even The Wall back in that time, or a background when the former President of the United States, was giving his speech... Anyway, since i couldn't seen any of those special streets and views from Berlin, i decided to post some from my recently trip there....

The magnific Sony Tower on Alexander Platz
Brandenbourg Gate
The Spree River... background the gorgeous Hotel Radisson Blu

Central Station
The Wall
Airport Code: TXL
TEGEL - Berlin-airport