Thursday 13 October 2011

{Showtime} Pan Am - Ich Bin Ein Berliner

Last week on Pan Am, the story was developed in Germany, where Maggie (Christina Ricci), intents to meet the President Kennedy when the crew was flying to Berlin (see the video here).

I was expecting more views about Berlin, but ... nope...not even The Wall back in that time, or a background when the former President of the United States, was giving his speech... Anyway, since i couldn't seen any of those special streets and views from Berlin, i decided to post some from my recently trip there....

The magnific Sony Tower on Alexander Platz
Brandenbourg Gate
The Spree River... background the gorgeous Hotel Radisson Blu

Central Station
The Wall
Airport Code: TXL
TEGEL - Berlin-airport


  1. Hi!! Thanks for visiting my blog, now I'm following yours so I can keep up with your updates! These are great pics from Berlin, my boyfriend is from there so I have seen some of the same sites!

  2. Thanks Oneika.. I love your blog! This project starts this year and I`m managing to have 2 more blogs(destination Guanacaste, Costa Rica and A dash of all.. I really hope you``ll like it, im starting on that amazing world of blogging. Take Care
